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Alamo Heights Little League


Registration opens on Tuesday, December 10th. 

Eligibility & Important Dates

Click Here
to access the Little League Age Calculator.
Click Here to download the Little League Age Chart.

Below are a few important dates for the AHLL Spring 2025 Baseball League.

December 10, 2024 - January 15, 2025
TRYOUTS (ALL LEVELS): January 25, 2025

More information regarding tryouts, games, coaching and more can be found on our FAQ page.

Rules: Coach Pitch Baseball

The following Local Ground Rules are intended to supplement established Little League Rules as outlined in the 2024 Little League International Rule Books. The focus will always be a positive experience for players and families. Questions should be directed to the AHLL UIC, Division Player Agent, League Commissioner, or AHLL President.

  • Games will be 1 hour 15 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first.
    • No new inning will begin after 1:01, finish the inning. Hard stop at 1:15min
  • 5 runs per half-inning or 3 outs.
  • Run rule; 10 runs after 3 complete.
    • Games, having not completed 6 innings by run rule, may continue as time allows, or six (6) complete innings.
    • Game is official at the completion of regulation 6 innings/run rule score.
  • Coaches will position players in appropriate field positions.
  • No more than 6, including the catcher, in the infield. Teams should field a P, C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS
  • Remaining players will be in the outfield. Players MUST be in the grass until ball is put IN PLAY.
  • A Catcher is REQUIRED (A set of gear will be available at each field) Please leave at the completion of game(s).
  • May start a game with as few as 8 players (In order to field an in-field, including catcher, and 2 outfielders)
  • In the event of an injury the lineup collapses, there is no penalty.
    • Must have a minimum of 6 players (necessary infield positions, including a catcher) to continue to play.
  • Coaches must pitch from designated pitching area.
    • If a ball hits the coach (provided an attempt to get out of the way is made by the coach), the ball is dead and the batter is awarded first base and all other forced runners advance one base.
  • Each batter will be given a max of five(5) pitches during any one at bat.
    • Strikes and balls will be called by the umpire. The batter ends her turn by striking out (3 strikes) or hittingnthe ball into the field of play. If the 5th pitch is fouled off, the batter will receive one (1) additional pitch during the at bat for a maximum of 6 pitches in any one at-bat. If the 6th pitch is a foul ball the batter is out.
    • There are no walks allowed.
  • No lead-offs/no stealing. May not advance until a ball is hit.
  • May advance multiple bases on ball hit clearly to outfield. (unless agreed by coaches at plate meeting)
  • Players should complete their advance to the next base once a ball has been returned to the pitcher.
  • Runners may not advance more than one(1) base per batter ball sequence on an overthrow per umpires judgement.  
  • Teams may have a max of Five (5) coaches per game.
    • One (1) coach must remain in the dugout at all times when players are present.
    • No more than Three (3) coaches are permitted on the field (when fielding)
    • When batting, only base coaches (1st and 3rd), one coach ‘on deck’ assisting batters, and one coach to pitch.
    • Coaches should be out of the field of play (outfield, behind players or in foul territory). Except for the pitcher.

All disputes of the outlined rules and guidelines or questions on established Little League rules should be directed to a Board Member on Duty, the Division Player Agent, the league Commissioner, and/or League President.

Rules: Machine Pitch Baseball

The following Local Ground Rules are intended to supplement established Little League Rules as outlined in the 2024 Little League International Rule Books. The focus will always be a positive experience for players and families. Questions should be directed to the AHLL UIC, Division Player Agent, League Commissioner, or AHLL President.

  • Games will be 1 hour 15 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first.
    • No new inning will begin after 1:01, finish the inning. Hard stop at 1:15min
  • 5 runs per half-inning or 3 outs.
  • Run rule; 10 runs after 3 complete.
  • Games, having not completed 6 innings by run rule, may continue as time allows, or six (6) complete innings.
    • Game is official at the completion of regulation 6 innings/run rule score.
  • Games will be 1 hour 15 minutes or 4 innings, whichever comes first. (Ties are allowed)
  • New inning begins upon completion of the 3rd out.
  • 5 runs per half-inning or 3 outs.
  • Run rule; 10 runs after 3 complete.
    • Games, having not completed 4 innings by run rule, may continue as time allows, or four (4) complete innings.
    • Game is official at Run Rule score or the completion of regulation 4 innings.
  • May start a game with as few as 8 players (In order to field an in-field, including catcher, and 2 outfielders)
  • Coaches will position players in appropriate field positions. (P, C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, CF, LF, RF)
    • A Catcher is REQUIRED (A set of gear will be available at each field) Please leave at the completion of game(s).
    • NOTE: Coaches are encouraged to secure their own gear.
  • The fielding team will consist of ten (10) players. A minimum of four (4) players must be in the outfield.
  • No outfield player can make a direct play in the infield but can assist on any out in the infield.
    • In the event an outfield player makes a direct play in the infield the ball becomes dead.
  • No player will sit twice until every player has sat once.
  • Coaches are encouraged to rotate all players between infield/outfield positions
  • Machine will be set at 40ft. and 40mph. Baseballs will be provided.
    •  Adjustments to the machines once a game begins will be at umpire discretion and mutual agreement of coaches
  • Bat continuous lineup. Everyone bats.
  • Each batter will be given a max of six (6) swings per at-bat.
    •  If the ball is not put in play the batter is out.
  • Bunting is not permitted. A bunt will be a dead ball strike.
  • Infield Fly rule does not apply.
  • In the event a ball hits the machine the ball is dead. Batter advances to first and runners advance only if forced.
  • Runners may continue to advance on a ball hit to the outfield until the ball is returned to the infield.
    •  Runners may continue their advance to the next base or return to the base.
    • A play can still be made on advancing runners but the play ends once runner reaches the next base or is put out.
      Runner will not advance if there is an overthrow on the play.
    • There will be no stealing/advancing to home on a passed/drop ball.
  • Runner may advance one(1) base on the first overthrow, regardless of the number of overthrows during the play.
    • Dropped ball by catcher is considered an overthrow, unless determined at the sole discretion of the umpire.
  • Umpire may return an advancing runner at their discretion.
  • Play will stop only at the discretion of the umpire. A throw back to the pitcher is considered stopping play.
  • Discretion of the umpire is Final. No Protests Allowed. No Arguing with Umpires.
  • In the event of an injury the lineup collapses, there is no penalty.
    • Must have a minimum of 6 players (necessary infield positions, including a catcher) to continue to play.
  • Players must always slide FEET FIRST (head first slides are not permitted in LL)
    •  Players must slide at home-plate if there is a play at the plate.
  • Teams may have a max of Four (4) coaches per game.
    • One (1) coach must remain in the dugout at all times when players are present.
    • No more than Three (3) coaches are permitted on the field (when fielding)
    • Coaches should be out of the field of play (outfield, behind players or in foul territory). Except for the pitcher.
  • Home team is responsible for announcing and keeping an official book. Including pitch count
  • Visiting team will run the scoreboard.
  • No walk-up music allowed.

All disputes of the outlined rules and guidelines or questions on established Little League rules should be directed to a Board Member on Duty, the Division Player Agent, the league Commissioner, and/or League President.

Rules: AA and AAA Minors Baseball

League Age 8-11.

Any player in registering for AA/AAA Minors Baseball must have completed a minimum of 1 full season (spring) in Coach Pitch/Machine Pitch baseball or be League 9 - 11. Players League Age 8 who are not drafted based on tryout will be rostered in Machine Pitch. Any players league age 9-10 who do not tryout will be placed in AA. Any player(s), League Age 11, not drafted in Majors or who do not participate in tryouts will be rostered in AAA Minors.

Teams will be drafted from pool of eligible 8-11year old players per establish AHLL and Little League guidelines. All AAA Minors players are eligible for consideration and participation on the AHLL 8-10yo All Star Team. Players who do not participate in tryouts are entered as ‘hat picks’ and are not eligible for All Stars.


  • Games will be 1 hour 30 minutes or 6 innings, whichever comes first
  • No new inning may begin after 1:25 (85 minutes)
    • New innings begin the moment the 3rd out is made against the home team
  • Regular season games can end in ties
    • TIE BREAK: In the event of a tie after 4 innings, and it is not yet 1:25 into the game:
      • 1 additional inning will be played under normal rules
      • If still tied, and not 1:25, an additional inning will be played beginning with 2 outs and the last player put out, from the previous inning, on 2nd base. (California Rule)
      • If still tied, the game would continue with California Rule innings until 1:25 limit.
  • 5 runs per half inning or 3 outs
  • Run Rule: 10 run lead after 4 innings (3 ½ if home team is ahead)
  • Official Little League Rules (Green Book) are in effect
  • No lead offs. Runners can steal after the pitch crosses home plate.
  • Slides must be feet first unless returning to a base.
    • Runners sliding headfirst to advance a base will be called out without warning.
  • Courtesy runners are only allowed (pitcher or catcher) when the batting team has 2 outs.
    • Last out will run for the pitcher or catcher.
  • Infield fly rule in effect; Dropped 3rd strike NOT in effect
  • Pitching distance is 46ft.; Player pitch-count rules in effect
  • Maximum of 3 coaches per dugout
  • No player will sit 2 consecutive innings or sit twice before all players sit once
  • Coaches will NOT argue balls and strikes with the umpire
  • Teams will bat entire roster the entire game.In the event of an injury, the lineup collapses, there will be no penalty and play continues.
    • Must have a minimum of 8 players (infield) to continue to play.
  • Players must always slide FEET FIRST (head first slides are not permitted in LL)
    • Players must slide at home-plate if there is a play at the plate
  • Teams will have a max of three (3) coaches per game.
    • One (1) coach will remain in the dugout at all times when players are present.
  • Coaches will NOT argue balls and strikes with the umpire
  • Discretion of the umpire is Final. No Arguing with Umpires
    • Protests, if necessary, must be filed appropriately with the home plate umpire.
    • In the event of a protest, play will continue from the point of protest.
      • Protest should be marked in the official book
  • Home team is responsible for announcing and keeping an official book. Including pitch count.
  • Visiting team will run the scoreboard.
  • No walk-up music allowed.

All disputes of the outlined rules and guidelines or questions on established Little League rules should be directed to a Board Member on Duty, the Division Player Agent, the league Commissioner, and/or League President.

Rules: Majors Baseball

League Age 10*,11-12.

Players League Age 10/11 may choose to register as MTO. Those players will participate in the MTO tryout and be rostered in either Majors or AA/AAA Minors based on tryout results and draft selection. Players league age 10/11 may also choose to register for AAA only if they do not wish to be considered for the Majors Division. All 12yo will register and be drafted in the Majors division.

All Teams will be drafted from pool of eligible 10-12yo players. All available league age 12 year old’s, including any 12yo’s who did not tryout, must be rostered. 
Players in Majors division will be eligible and considered for one of the AHLL All Star Teams. Players who do not participate in tryouts are entered as ‘hat picks’ and are not eligible for All Stars


  • Games will be 2 hours or 6 innings, whichever comes first
  • No new inning may begin after 2 hours or 10pm, whichever happens first
    • New innings begin the moment the 3rd out is made against the home team
    • Hard STOP at 10:30, regardless of score, inning, or situation (City Curfew)
  • Regular season games can end in ties
    •  TIE BREAK: In the event of a tie after 6 innings, and it is not yet 2 hours into the game:
      • 1 additional inning will be played under normal rules
      • If still tied, and not 2 hours or 10pm, an additional inning will be played beginning with 2 outs and the last player put out, from the previous inning, on 2nd base (California Rule)
      • If still tied, the game would continue with California Rule innings until 2 hour limit or 10pm.
  • Run Rule: 10 run lead after 4 innings (3 ½ if home team is ahead)
  • Official Little League Rules (Green Book) are in effect
  • No lead offs. Runners can steal after the pitch crosses home plate.
  • Slides must be feet first unless returning to a base.
    • Runners sliding headfirst to advance a base will be called out without warning.
  • Courtesy runners are only allowed (pitcher or catcher) when the batting team has 2 outs.
    •  Last out will run for the pitcher or catcher.
  • Dropped 3rd strike in effect and Infield fly rule in effect
  • Pitching distance is 46ft.; Player pitch-count rules in effect
  • Maximum of 3 coaches per dugout
  • Each player must play defensively for a minimum of six(6) consecutive outs.
  • Coaches will NOT argue balls and strikes with the umpire
  • Teams will bat entire roster the entire game.
  • In the event of an injury (regular season), the lineup collapses, there will be no penalty and play continues.
    •  Must have a minimum of 8 players (infield) to continue to play.
  • Discretion of the umpire is Final. No Arguing with Umpires
    • Protests, if necessary, must be filed appropriately with the home plate umpire.
    • In the event of a protest, play will continue from the point of protest.
    • Protest should be marked in the official book.
  • Home team is responsible for announcing and keeping an official book. Including pitch count.
  • Visiting team will run the scoreboard.
  • No walk-up music allowed.

All disputes of the outlined rules and guidelines or questions on establish Little League rules should be directed to a Board Member on Duty, the Division Player Agent, the league Commissioner, and/or league President.